7 Days of Lemon Water

I’ve always seen claims that warm lemon water in the morning is one of the best things you can do for your body. And with a simple Pinterest or Google search, you’ll find endless posts that claim that lemon water provides endless health benefits both inside and out. Although I was always drawn to these claims (and, I have to admit, I LOVE citrus), I could never hop on board the lemon water train with all the craziness and instability of a school schedule.


Following my graduation  a few weeks ago, I decided to start my journey with lemon water. As my boyfriend likes to remind me, it takes 21 days to create a habit, but even after 7 days of my lemon water test, I am here to tell you that I am already reaping the benefits.

Here are some of the claims that Pinterest posts and blogs will try to tell you about the benefits of warm lemon water.

  • Detoxifies the body
  • Alkalizes the body
  • Hydrates lymphatic system
  • Lowers stress levels
  • Fights bad breath
  • Hydrates body
  • Prevents UTIs
  • Improves digestive health
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Balances pH levels
  • Replaces caffeine
  • Creates happier, cleaner skin
  • Boosts immune system
  • Relieves respiratory problems
  • Boosts levels of Vitamin C
  • Reduces heart burn
  • Purifies blood
  • Boosts brain power
  • Improves liver function
  • Boosts mineral absorption








From my novel experience, these are the benefits I’ve actually experienced:


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It’s amazing how much I felt energized after drinking only a cup of warm lemon water. I didn’t feel groggy in the mornings, and even after a few days, I didn’t feel a dependency on coffee.


Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 8.23.17 PMWhen I was doing some internet searches on lemon water benefits, there was a lot of research showing that your body naturally dehydrates itself overnight. The lemon water did nothing short of hydrate my body and rejuvenate it right away so I didn’t feel sluggish.

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There was also a lot of research proving lemon water’s improvements on digestion. Although I’m not a doctor, I can say with certainty that the lemon water helps me feel not as full after meals, particularly breakfast, which always a difficult meal for me because I love it, but it makes my stomach  hurt if I eat it too quickly after waking up.


Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 8.27.04 PMAlthough I’ve personally never really struggled too much with my skin, I am guilty of occasionally forgetting to remove my makeup (resulting in problem pimples). Admittedly, one of the days during my week with lemon water, I went to sleep with my makeup on – and somehow the lemon water did magic on my skin and kept its clear nature  despite the built up oil from the leftover makeup. Also helpful: the lemon water seemed to diminish my under-eye  bags.

Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 8.28.15 PMRight now during the change from spring to summer is THE WORST for my allergies. Although allergies aren’t the same thing as a common cold, it was almost miraculous how much healthier I felt after a cup of lemon water. My allergies seemed to be momentarily tamed with just one cup.



4 thoughts on “7 Days of Lemon Water

    1. Just the one mug in the morning immediately after waking up! Just that does the trick. But I tend to stick lemon slices in my water throughout the day too.


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